Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Prayer Expectations

I often wonder why “things” – events, requests, phone calls – you know the things that come up unexpectedly.  Why do these things come into our lives when they do?  (I know, God has a purpose and a plan, but . . . .)
There have been a few of these unexpected “things” enter my life just recently.  A sister who is facing critical health issues that, unless God’s healing touch is laid on her she will eventually face surgery.  Our church is undergoing a restructuring from top to bottom; similar to a corporation downsizing.  We are being squeezed – losing members and facing financial uncertainty.  Our home, since our kids have grown and moved out, has always been our sanctuary – a place where we have peace and quiet.  Now though, our eldest son and family of five have moved in with us.  There is no time or place to find peace and quiet for the foreseeable future.
These unexpected events create a challenge in one’s prayer life.  We pray and want to have an answer we can live with on our terms.  We do not have time to wait and hear what God is saying to us!  We need and almost expect God to answer the way we want the outcome to be.  We want the answer now, not later.  We are hurting now!  We need relief now!  Where are you God?    
In the midst of these testing issues our next A/G Berean class began; Relationships and Ethics in Ministry, dealing with relationship and ethics.  Out of 11 course objectives let me list just a few: 
  •   Identify the physical, emotional, social and spiritual effects that relationships bring to the life of the minister;
  • Describe the priorities of conduct that can lead to effective relationships both at home and within the church.
  • Define personal integrity and explain how it can be maintained effectively.
Although each chapter presented a Biblical approach for relationships both personally and professionally (in this context, as a minister), it was the first chapter that brought a real challenge to me.  In the section entitled Personal Priorities the one that caught my attention was “When you Pray, Write Down your Words.” 
Spontaneity is often necessary.  However, at other times, writing out petitions, gratitude, and praise puts your communication into sharper focus than spoken, generalized statements do.  . . . .   He does not expect every human prayer to be a masterpiece of logic or fantastic prose.  However, prayer is a discipline and writing your inner thoughts gives a direction that otherwise is too easily confused.  (Ch. 1, p. 20)
How was I challenged?  Well, in the midst of this ongoing church restructuring, I volunteered to facilitate a Wednesday night prayer/Bible study class.  My intent was to do just the one night; however, that was four weeks ago. 
As a part of that first night’s study this very challenge was made: Write Down Your Prayer.  Each week another one comes forward to share their written prayer.  They have told me it was harder than they thought.  Not only in what direction they started to write but what eventually the prayer became.  It has been very emotional for all of us because the emotion we put in the prayers have a connection to family, church, relationships, finances, just everything. 
Here is one of my prayers:
 Father God, as your love abides in us and we love one another (1 John 4:12) show us Lord, how to love our community in your name.  May our life and service to this community create a Christ-honoring relationship bridge so that the message is felt, tasted and experienced like good fruit.
I pulled some of these thoughts from our text, but they exemplified what was in my heart and fell in place for this prayer.
Putting our praise and petitions into written form is taking control of the direction and purpose of the prayer so we are not rushed or lazy in what and how we present them.  Consider this:  “Prayers deserve intensity because you are dealing with power that can change the world.” (p. 21, emphasis mine.)
Through this class and the others past and future, I still feel I am learning more with each sentence I read and in the good books that I find.  I am realizing how blessed I am to have God’s grace extended to me.  It is more than time to share what we have.
I am Learning – In His Time